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Context-driven design, with multi-purpose applications.

Protect dignity,  personal data, funds and lives for people on the move.

Safety and dignity the paramount concerns

Both the inherent design and physical logistical support provided by field teams protect the safety of Amanacard members. The technology is customised to the specific needs of people experiencing extreme pressure, led by a team with deep, personal understandings of the context. Every decision considers how a design element will impact the safety and experience of all users.

System access is strictly limited, and local devices only receive anonymised and encrypted information. The physical risks in disbursing aid (cash or goods) are reduced for all concerned via close direct coordination with the merchants.

The hope is that SecureAid enables vulnerable people to use this access to greater purchasing power – wherever they find themselves – and become consumers with choice, from surviving to thriving.

Streamline administrative procedures.

Smooth running in the engine room

The transformational change SecureAid can enable at the strategic level is dependent on those working in the weeds with the day to day admin.

As an agile organisation we can build relationships with organisations at every level, to earn the trust from the unsung heroes of Programmes, Finance and HR.

We respect that doing things differently is not always easy, so we will work at the pace required to help integrate with existing internal processes.

Integrate with existing aid systems and set multi-user security permissions.

Common platform challenges

Adaptability is built into SecureAid to account for the need to integrate with different and rapidly evolving systems and ways of doing things. To achieve economies of scale, however, the starting point for a new client is to provide the system ‘as-is’, with customisations considered as part of the existing technology roadmap. A common platform will help to deliver aid more cost-effectively at less risk, while achieving scaled assistance that makes genuine and sustainable social impact.

All users require a unique account with a username and password – some require a QR code and PIN. The apps, data and functionality they can access is governed by roles assigned by the organisation. A user’s role can be instantly changed and/or their access rescinded at any time.

© 2024 Huozhi Ltd

Registered in England. Company No. 10187997 VAT No. 266 5791 60
Registered with FCA vide FRN 903098 as E-Money Distributor and supervised by HMRC with MLR No. XBML00000187275

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